

授权码模式(authorization code)是功能最完整、流程最严密的授权模式。它的特点就是通过客户端的后台服务器,与”服务提供商“的认证服务器进行互动。

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Gentoo fresh installation

Gentoo fresh installation through Virtualbox and livecd.

Gentoo are very customizable distro compared to others such as ubuntu. You can go easymode and use ubuntu cause ubuntu is for people that dont know how to use or install gentoo. Gentoo is totally free from 3rd party application or commercial.

You better stick with Gentoo handbook until you know what you doing.
Learn from mistakes. Do it again until you familiar with your basic setting.

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writing an api client with akka http

Stockfighter is a CTF (short for Capture the Flag) game that I first heard about at Microconf 2015, but haven’t gotten a chance to play up until very recently. I plan on posting more about my impressions of the game later, but very shortly: it is a series of programming challenges based on the concept of stock exchanges and ways to manipulate stock exchanges. Along with the web UI, a public json API is exposed as a mechanism for interacting with the game. There did not seem to be any Scala clients floating around, so I took this as a chance to play around with akka-http.

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Akka Streaming学习

时至今日,我们从因特尔上消遣服务包含许多流媒体数据(streaming data),包括下载、上传、点对点的数据传送。把数据整体看做是一个元素集合的流(a stream of elements),对我们计算机发送和接收这些数据起了很大帮助,因为数据变得越来越庞大,以“流”的方式处理数据显得很有必要。

Actors看起来也可以处理“流”:它们顺序地接收一系列消息,并对消息进行传输。但我们发现,在actor之间要实现一个stable streaming,会显得冗余乏味(tedious)和易出错(error-prone),因为在处理发送(sending)和接收(receiving)时,我们还需要担心buffer溢出或邮箱溢出问题。另外一个陷阱(pitfall)是,Actor的消息会丢失,对丢失的消息要进行转发,以免stream一直停留在receiving的那一方。当处理完streams,Actor不能担保不会有连接(wiring)错误的出现。

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